“Winter is the time for comfort, for
good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside
the fire it’s the time for home” Edith Sitwell.
How romantic
the quote, however winter can be more romantic if you boost your skin for the
perfect romantic winter date with your loved one, isn’t it? But winter does
make it difficult, dry skin can steal your natural glow, dryness can be
uncomfortable, and it’s important to defend yourself against the elements in
order to maintain smoothness and suppleness throughout the season keeping skin and hair beautiful and
hydrated in chilling weather requires both internal external care.
It seems
like applying lot of lotion is the only way to go, well that’s in simple way is
not true. These tips go beyond the obvious with other alternatives.
“You are
what you eat” holds true when it comes to your skin. Moisturizing your body
from inside is a huge reward for the way your skin appears on the outside.
Eating omega-3 fatty acid can improve the condition of your skin remarkably,
just in a few weeks. That’s because omega-3 are responsible for keeping skill
cells well lubricated, there by contributing to rejuvenated appearance. Add foods
in to your diet lie salmon, walnuts, olive oil, soybeans, kidney beans, ground
flaxseeds to your regimen.
Drink water
Yes you
heard it right. Drinking water is more important than ever during winter. It
keeps you hydrated internally. In other water is a absolute essential for good
health. While drinking water can help maintain your skins excellent health.
Don’t over wash
Avoid over
washing in the shower, since soap and hot water will strip natural oil from
your skin, and make sure to apply moisturizer right after to lock in moisture.
Avoid hot water
It is very
common in cold season we to indulge ourselves in hot bath or stand in a hot
shower to get that warm feel, by doing this it warms you up and also dry you
out. According to experts taking hot shower breaks down the lipid barrier in
your skin and makes it easier for your skin to lose its moisture. Taking warm
bath are best for preventing dehydrated skin.
Add Moisture Back
After shower
pat your skins dry with the towel so that your skin is left slightly damp and
apply moisturizer immediately.
Apply body
oil all over massaging gently of your choice. If your skin is exceptionally dry
you can apply a coat of rich body cream after a few minutes.
Keep Hands
and Feet hydrated.
During the
winter hands and feet are prone to excessive dryness. Inorder to protect
against winter it’s better to switch from water based to cream based product.
Apply good
hand cream which contains vitamin E regularly.
Before going
to bed apply a rich moisturizer to your feet and pull on a pair of socks.
Lip care
Your lips
loves skin care routine, exfoliate your lips once a week to remove all dead
skin from your lips. Avoid scented lip products that are heavy in on drying
ingredients. Tuck a lip balm in your pocket for quick lip relief.
Use facial moisturizer
If you are loyal to your facial moisturizer
during the warmer month of the year don’t give it up in the winter. just add to
its potency by combining it with a serum. During the night use a rich oil based
cream to deliver plenty of necessary hydration while you sleep. in addition you
can try mineral water facial spray or just a plain rose water, if the skin
needs a pick me up throughout the day or in case you are traveling.
Use sun screen
Thus sun
rays are effective even in winter though they may be weaker, and sensitive skin
still needs protection, those short uv rays can easily harm skin. Apply
sunscreen of at least SPF 30 every day no matter what the season may be. Since
the golden rule of beauty industry says it is better to protect skin with
sunscreen and it applies all year around.
Here is a super food for glowing skin
during winter:
It’s your
diet that protects your skin against dryness uv damages, minimize wrinkles and
other signs of aging and promote smooth and glowing skin the best weapon for
combat trouble spots will always be to eat clean and healthy food. Make sure to
incorporate vitamin rich skin food in to your menu. And here is a list.
It’s a good
source of vitamin A,C, and E along with a monosaturated fats which helps your
skin lock in moisture. Folic acid, magnesium and potassium in the fruit are
essential for healthy skin. In this dry winter sooth your skin with avocado. In
addition to eating avocado you can make your own hydrating face mask.
Since time
immemorial almond is guarantor for beautiful skin. It contains vitamin E that
nourishes and moisturizes the skin. It also protects skin from uv rays of sun.
It is one of
the super and healthiest winter foods. Natural estrogens and vitamin A and C
together make broccoli a wonder tonic for your skin. Broccoli packed with B
vitamins that help you to get rid of flakiness and dryness of the skin that is
common in winter season.
One of the
highly popular root vegetable during winter is carrot. it is packed with
vitamin A and c that are essential for healthy skin which adds natural glow to
the skin. Eating carrot during winters will diminish uneven skin tone, wrinkles
and skin pigmentations. Drinking carrot juice daily is a great way to keep your
skin hydrated from within.
Dark chocolates
that with 70% cocoa content is considered good for your skin. It is rich in
flavonols that can help your skin look its best even during the harsh condition
of winter season.eat just 2 to 3 ounces of dark chocolate weekly to reap the
benefits of glowing and beautiful skin.
Eggs are
rich in vitamin E which has strong antioxidant properties which are skin friendly.
Eggs protect skin from damage from free radicals and hence prevent irritation.
Other than that egg contain sulfur for skin hydration, lutein for skin
elasticity, and protein for skin regeneration.
Grape fruit
Vitamin c in
grape fruit protects the skin from free radical damages. It has lycopene that
helps to keep your skin smooth. The amino acids in grapefruit make your skin
more firm and soft. Drink fresh grape fruit juice on a regular basis during the
winter. You can prepare a face mask with grape fruit and use it once in a week.
Green tea
It is one of
the best antioxidant foods available out there. Green tea repairs and prevents
what free radicals do to your skin. Green tea is highly effective against dry
skin and it reduces flakes which is common during winter. it also improves skin
complexion. So do not forget to drink 2 to 3 cups of green tea daily.
Olive oil
winter when skin tends to become drier olive oil is the best option for your skin.
Olive oil is rich in vitamin A and E and several other minerals and natural
fatty acids. It helps to hydrate the skin and maintain its elasticity and
softness. Before taking bath rub few drops of olive oil to your face, elbows,
and knees possibly all over your body and take warm bath, towel dry your skin
and wipe away the excess oil and see the amazing result. Your skin will be
super soft smooth.
You cannot
ignore the benefits of spinach when it comes to healthy skin. Spinach has many
nutrients needed for healthy skin cells. Drink ½ glass of spinach with little lemon
juice daily to help prevent dry and irritated skin.
Though it is
difficult to keep skin glowing in winter for those irritated, extremely dry,
itchy skin staying moisturized, hydrated, and fallowing a simple life style
practices will allow you to stave off the dry skin.
- Pavana Santhosh
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